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On this episode Jim shares his two best investment ideas for today. Also, Florida opens up to 50% occupancy in restaurants and less people are wearing masks, but why do the days seem longer? Will soup and salad bars survive Covid-19? A new free TV platform to replace cable, social media steps up its censorship, U.S. Navy allows transgender sailors to select the gender they will serve under, a University of Chicago study estimates that 42% of the recent layoffs will result in permanent job losses, and Puerto Rico voting in November to become a state? Read more →

I am excited to announce that I will be doing a 4 session workshop series on how to get started with Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency. The exact dates have not been finalized. The workshops will all be recorded and available for replay for those that can not attend live. We also plan on establishing a Facebook group for students to post questions and interact with their own ideas as well. To be invited to this class, be sure an add your name to the interest list - Click Here. Read more →

By Robert G. Yetman, Jr. Editor At Large More money advice from Robert Kiyosaki. Robert Kiyosaki, the author of the bestselling Rich Dad Poor Dad, has a message for Millennials in his new book, Second Chance: For Your Money, Your Life and Our World. Namely, that instead of following the historically “tried and true” rules like going to school, getting a job, working hard all of your life and saving as much as you can, that younger people should do it all differently now. Now, those who want to get ahead should embrace the reality of low interest rates and... Read more →

Benny Hinn Says A Major Wealth Transfer Coming To Benefit Christians

On this episode Jim shares his thoughts on Benny Hinn's latest message of a transfer of wealth that will benefit Christians. The only catch - to get your share you have to 'sow a seed' into his ministry. Dennis Hastert caught in blackmail scandal after allegations of sex with an underage boy. How many sexual deviants do we have in high positions in our government? Hillary Clinton has a new ultra liberal challenger, Amazon offering free same day delivery in many cities, Snapchat gets $500 million in funding, and Bank Of America fined for unfair debt collection practices. Read more →

On this episode of the ChristianMoneyPlus member podcast Jim Paris and Bob Yetman discuss the money saving benefits of babysitting co-ops, the reality that many older Americans are entering retirement with significant education debt, how to buy Bitcoin through a stockbroker and even in your IRA, and is it now tougher to get a job as you get older? Go To Podcast Helping you make the most of God's money! James L. Paris Editor-In-Chief Follow Me on Twitter Christian Financial Advice Jim Paris 24 Hour Radio Read more →

Does The Bible Predict A 2015 Financial Collapse?

Does Bible prophecy actually tell us anything about the state of the U.S., and even world, economy? In Blood Moons on Wall Street, a new video presentation available exclusively to members of Christian Money Plus, Jim Paris discusses the possible cues that the secular financial community may be unknowingly taking from the Bible here in 2015. The Shemitah refers to the Biblical Sabbath year...and coming every seven years…as celebrated in Ancient Israel, a year in which debts between the Israelites are voided and during which lands are left unattended by farmers, so that those lands may be given a chance... Read more →

In this most recent edition of the members-only Christian Money Plus podcast hosted by Jim Paris and Bob Yetman: * Jim discusses his continued experiences and perspectives regarding his recent decision to dump cell phone provider AT&T in favor of a prepaid plan option - hear what he has to say; * Bob and Jim weigh in on the revelation that the IRS’s audit rate of individuals is at a ten-year low, and if that means you should be doing anything different as far as your personal tax planning is concerned; * Jim discusses why he sold all of the... Read more →

The hardest thing about getting things done this time of the year, is that it is THIS TIME OF THE YEAR. With Christmas and New Year's (and all of the related social events), it is the worst season to find the time to sit down and deal with your finances. The problem is, however, that this is prime time for making end of year moves that can have an enormous impact in your financial picture for next year. 5 Smart End Of Year Financial Moves 1. Make a financial contribution to your favorite charity or ministry The great thing about... Read more →

I don't know if you remember the old TV show The Equalizer. I absolutely loved this show. Edward Woodward was perfectly cast as the main character, Robert McCall. The Equalizer was a retired spy that used his background and special skills to help ordinary people get justice (when the authorities were of no help). By the way, if you missed it, the movie version starring Denzel Washington came out just a few weeks ago. The movie version was a bit more violent than the TV show (see trailer below). You have to love The Equalizer because he was ready, willing,... Read more →

Tom Sightings has written a great piece for the online version of U.S. News & World Report that details both retirees’ typically most substantial expenses, as well as some ways to limit each. There’s actually a lot of good information inside of what is a relatively brief piece; to what is surely no one’s surprise, expenses like housing, health care, and taxes make the list. It is, of course, a great idea to limit one’s expenses in retirement whenever possible, but the reality is that many people will find it to be extremely helpful to double their financial power in... Read more →

According to a new survey that hit the streets today, courtesy of, we have learned that over one-third of all adult Americans have yet to save anything towards retirement, and more than one-fourth of Americans in the 50 to 64 age bracket have nothing saved. These are startling figures, in one sense, but unsurprising, in another; while retirement planning has been a priority topic in American society for many decades now, the dedication to living as well as possible (more about “living well” in just a moment), as well as a deterioration in economic opportunity for many, have conspired... Read more →

The Paris family has fallen into the habit over the years of keeping entirely too many financial records. My wife, who will readily admit this, simply keeps everything. We have boxes of financial receipts in our garage that go back more than twenty years. Well, that is going to all end this week. I ordered a nice sized shredder and we are going to dispose of dozens of boxes of old receipts, tax records, canceled insurance policies, and more. This week's article is the result of my own research trying to find an answer to the question, "What financial records... Read more →

Of course, we are all aware of the financial collapse that has slowly taken place in Detroit over the last decade. The city has been left in the unusual circumstance of becoming the caretaker for thousands of abandoned houses. In some cases, the homes have been bulldozed - entire neighborhoods were simply demolished. The remaining empty homes are now being auctioned off with hopes that people will return to the city, stake their claim, and become part of its next chapter. As you will see pictured below, these appear (at least externally) to be decent looking houses. You can browse... Read more →