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Obamacare: The Final Countdown

We are only 54 days away from the long anticipated launch of Obamacare. Although the program has quite a lot of critics, there are many people that will benefit from it. We have been receiving a lot of e mails from individuals interested in learning more about how to get the details for their state and how to enroll. Remember, all Americans are required to carry health insurance as of January 1, 2014 or face fines that will be collected by the IRS. Getting Started The primary website you will want to become acquainted with is HealthCare.Gov. The site has... Read more →

Jim Paris Interviews Howard Russell of Christian Healthcare Ministries

In this episode Jim Paris interviews Howard Russell of Christian Healthcare Ministries. This new and innovative approach to healthcare is growing in popularity and is much less expensive than traditional health insurance. Jim also discusses the new scandal involving Tax Masters. Two state's attorneys general now suing the tax debt negotiator for for deceptive practices. Hosted By James L. Paris Editor-In-Chief of The show is live on Fridays from Noon to 1 pm Eastern Download From iTunes Helping you make the most of God’s money! James L. Paris Editor-In-Chief Follow Me on Twitter Christian Financial Advice... Read more →

Christian Health Insurance Alternatives. Is The Devil In The Details?

It is growing in popularity among Christians and presents a biblical and innovative way to manage medical expenses. It is called ‘Christian healthcare sharing’ and they are emphatic in pointing out that it is not insurance. The idea is simple; Christians join the group and agree to make monthly contributions. The money is pooled and used to pay the eligible medical expenses of members. Even though these programs are not insurance, they say that their sharing arrangement meets the requirements of the new health insurance mandate (ObamaCare). The major players: Christian Care Ministry, also known as Medi-Share (My top recommendation)... Read more →

How To Tackle Your Medical Debts

An unexpected medical emergency might crop up any time and cost you a bomb. With rising health care expenses, medical emergencies are giving consumers a real shock. Even with health insurances in their names, consumers land up owing huge medical debts that seem tough to meet. However, resorting to a little tactful way of handling medical debts can help deal with your medical obligations better. Here is what you can do to manage your huge medical bills: · Review your medical bills Medical bills are often significantly erroneous. You can be overcharged for the medical services or even charged for... Read more →

Immediate Benefits Of Health Care Law

On Tuesday of this week, historic health care reform became law. As most people are aware, the more than 2,000 page law is extremely complex and is phased in over a period of several years. It goes without saying that Christians and political conservatives have much to object to in this new law (especially the abortion provisions, which are promised to be repealed). But since it has now passed, Christian Money wanted to uncover what the immediate benefits will be within the first year. We support some elements of health insurance reform, such as provisions to make coverage more accessible... Read more →

Jim, I Don't Have Access to Company Benefits And Need To Buy Health Insurance On My Own. I Can't Afford It, What Are Your Suggestions?

Finding yourself without company provided health insurance benefits these days is a very difficult predicament, but don’t panic you do have options. You are too young for medicare and have too much money for medicaid, so what can you do? Health insurance is becoming so expensive that some people are even marrying for it, no kidding! Read this news story – Marrying For Health Insurance If You Recently Discontinued Employment… You may qualify for a continuation of your existing insurance coverage through COBRA. Under Cobra, you will be allowed to continue your current health insurance coverage at your expense. The... Read more →

Jim, My Employer Is Discontinuing Health Insurance Coverage And Is Going To Pay Me The Cash To Buy Insurance On My Own. My Wife Thinks I Should Quit My Job, What Should I Do?

I just read an article on this last week in USA Today. The idea of dropping company paid health insurance and instead giving employees the money to buy their own coverage is a growing trend, but not new. For many years, I did this in my businesses. I became very frustrated with how little employees seemed to appreciate my payroll costs. I found out very quickly that we could pay an employee $200 to $250 per month in extra salary and simply discontinue our group health insurance plan and save thousands. This worked for me, since most of my employees... Read more →

Jim, My Company Is Discontinuing Health Insurance And Is Going To Give Me The Money Instead So I Can Buy Insurance On My Own. My Wife Thinks I Should Find A New Job, What Do You Think I Should Do?

I just read an article on this last week in USA Today. The idea of dropping company paid health insurance and instead giving employees the money to buy their own coverage is a growing trend, but not new. For many years, I did this in my businesses. I became very frustrated with how little employees seemed to appreciate my payroll costs. I found out very quickly that we could pay an employee $200 to $250 per month in extra salary and simply discontinue our group health insurance plan and save thousands. This worked for me, since most of my employees... Read more →