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We Will Not Be Silenced - Dr. Erwin Lutzer
Beyond Bitcoin - How To Invest In Penny Cryptocurrencies

Robots, Crypto, Easy Credit, And Another Amazon Scam

This may be my final blog post of 2021, and as such I have a few random topics blended together here.

My Final Article (1)

Crypto To Buy Now

If you missed it, I put out a big buy recommendation on my Sunday show for Ripple XRP (click here to watch that episode). I am convinced this crypto, which is selling for less than $1, has a real chance of becoming the next Bitcoin. For those that want to buy this coin (only invest in cryptos what you can afford to lose), the best option is to use

Robots To Clean Your House?

One big change for me is jumping on the latest wave in technology - robots. In my own case, robots that will clean my house. I was a bit skeptical about three years ago when I first started hearing about robots that would sweep and mop, but now I am convinced. George Jetson really had this one right. One word of warning, however. I would suggest staying away from the lower cost models as they just do not do the job. I am using and love the iRobot Roomba i3 (3150) and the iRobot Braava Jet 240. I made the mistake of starting out by purchasing a lower cost vacuum and ended up throwing it away after it literally wore out in about six months. If you are going to take the leap, spend the money on the higher priced models.

Amazon Scam

There is an Amazon scam that continues to make the rounds and has changed over the years, but the central theme is consistent. In the latest machination, you will receive an automated phone call warning you about an Amazon purchase. This is presented to be some sort of security warning for your protection. If you continue on with the phone call you will end up giving up your Amazon username and password, and possibly even sharing enough information with the scammers so that they can steal your identity. 

90 Days The Same As Cash

Financial guys like me make these same warning every year, but with the economy teetering on the brink, this year these warning may be worth listening to. The origin of the holiday season deals was to lure people into making purchases they could not otherwise afford. The "90 days" was intended to allow shoppers to use their anticipated tax refund to pay the balance. I have no problem with this concept if, in fact, you actually are anticipating money that will pay the bill. After all, I am not a Grinch and I know that money is really tight this year. Be sure that you have a plan to pay this debt off with certainty, because the reality is that most people have good intentions but do not. As is typical, if not paid within the 90 days these debts convert to ridiculous interest rates above 20 percent in most cases. 

Helping you make the most of God’s money!

James L. Paris
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