Dr. Elaina George returns to the broadcast with incredible advice and strategies to save thousands on medical care and health insurance. How to opt out of Obamacare and use medical sharing plans. Save money with direct pay providers, find the lowest price for medical procedures, the power of insurance supplements like AFLAC, how to negotiate a medical bill, and more! Read more →
In the first half, Jim discusses the the backlash against Facebook and the 20 percent drop in the company's stock. In the second half of the program Jim discusses his new book on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. How to get free Bitcoin using affiliate programs and why buying penny cryptos represents a real chance to make millions. Read more →
Now this is interesting... sleep expert, Dr. Michael Breus, shares his advice on the best time to ask your boss for a raise - Click Here To For The Answer Read more →
Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, is about to be handed over to authorities in the United Kingdom. Will Assange finally tell us what he knows about the death of Seth Rich? Was Seth Rich the source of the leaked DNC documents? Does the attorney-client privilege still exist after the raid on Michael Cohen's offices? Strange weather patterns and the death of 17 tourists on a duck boat in Branson, Missouri. Man shot and killed after parking law dispute, but no charges will be filed, and did my travel insurance policy pay me for the theft of my laptop and cell phone? Read more →
Most advice centers on what to do, or how to do it, and ignores the when of success. But exciting new research proves there is a right time to do just about everything, based on our biology and hormones. As Dr. Michael Breus proves in The Power Of When, working with your body's inner clock for maximum health, happiness, and productivity is easy, exciting, and fun. The Power Of When presents a groundbreaking new program for getting back in sync with your natural rhythm by making minor changes to your daily routine. After you've taken Dr. Breus's comprehensive Bio-Time Quiz... Read more →
Most people do not know that the insurance industry is maintaining a secret file on them. I use the word 'secret' as virtually no one knows that this file exists. I learned by 'accident' (no pun intended) that such a file exists on the Paris family. Not only was there a secret file, it turns out that what is in it is costing us thousands per year! My wife has an exemplary driving record but about two years ago was involved in a peculiar incident. I say 'incident' and not accident, because that is exactly what it was. While Ann... Read more →
War has a way of shooting holes in your best-laid plans. Sgt. 1st Class Gregory Stube (Ret.) suffered life-changing wounds during the battle of Operation Medusa in Afghanistan in 2006, but using the Green Beret methods he learned in the Special Forces, Stube knew he could conquer anything. Service in the elite A-Team teaches you to come up with smart, well-researched, and flexible battle plans for completing the mission—every mission. Even when that mission is to spend an arduous year in a hospital recovering from being blown up, badly burned, and shot multiple times. Greg shares the leadership principles and... Read more →
Jim shares why he is trying out the vegetarian lifestyle and why he may give up meat forever. Also, Jim laments the headache of having his laptop and cell phone stolen while in South America - why everyone should have a backup plan and passwords stored offline. How people are earning full time incomes from Patreon, the rising cost of Christian medical sharing plans, and the new Bitcoin and cryptocurrency rally. Read more →
Jim shares his experience visiting Cuenca Ecuador and interviewing Americans that are retiring there for $1,000 to $1,500 per month. So many great experiences, but Jim also shares how he was robbed on a bus. Also on this episode Jim talks about his new book and a strategy you can use to become a cryptocurrency millionaire. Read more →
He was a broke college student but figured out a way to take a deluxe vacation on spring break using credit card rewards. Now, several years later, he has taken his credit card rewards strategy to an Olympic level traveling the world for free and teaching people his strategies through his website, 10XTravel.com. Read more →