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Globalist Puppeteer George Soros Spends $2 Million to Defeat AZ Sheriff Joe Arpaio
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Hillary's E Mails - Comey Says Move Along Nothing To See Here

In a shocking reversal, FBI Director James Comey says he has reviewed the e mails on Anthony Weiner's computer and he stands by his original position that Hillary Clinton should not be charged. But this raises several questions about why these e mails were on the computer of Anthony Weiner, an alleged pedophile without a security clearance. Stories continue to surface online that the Department Of Justice is blocking the NYPD from making arrests in the Anthoney Weiner sexting case. WikiLeaks e mail opens up another e mail mystery for the Clintons when a 2 terrabyte drive containing e mails from Bill Clinton's Administration disappears from the National Archives. And a California public transit janitor that earned $276,000 last year. 

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