U.S. Women’s Soccer Star Wambach Says “A Little Bit Odd” that Foreigners Play for U.S. Team
Yesterday, I write about how Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg threw some of her fans a bit of a curve ball when she referred to the high-profile national anthem protests by professional athletes as “dumb and disrespectful.” Ginsburg is a decidedly left-leaning jurist, but, even so, she clearly thinks that such anthem protests, as well as similar flag protests, are out of bounds for Americans, regardless of their political inclinations.
Enter now-retired U.S. women’s soccer star Abby Wambach. Wambach is another who won’t likely be confused with Ted Cruz or Rush Limbaugh anytime soon; a lesbian who married her longtime girlfriend back in 2013, Wambach is a big supporter of Hillary Clinton, attending several Clinton campaign events during the 2106 primary season. That said, when asked in a recent New York Times interview if she was supportive of current U.S. women’s national team soccer player Megan Rapinoe to kneel during the anthem, Wambach replied this way:
“She is stepping into her own belief system and wanting to peacefully protest for this Black Lives Matter movement, which is near to her heart. Whether you agree or disagree with her choice to do it, she has the right to do it. If I was still on the team, I don’t know if I would join her in her protest, though. I’m fiercely patriotic, and the flag and the anthem is something that I really, really respect. So I don’t know if I could do that.”
Additionally, Wambach has never been a fan of foreign soccer players playing for the U.S. men’s national team, and reiterated that position in the Times interview, as well, saying, “It feels a little bit odd to me that you have some guys that have never lived in the United States that play for the United States because they were able to secure a passport. To me, that just feels like they weren’t able to make it for their country and earn a living, so they’re coming here.”
It seems as though patriotic leftists are starting to come out of the woodwork. That’s fine with me. As I’ve said previously, I don’t necessarily believe that everyone on the left “hates” America, but, that said, the “patriotic liberal” is guilty of having allowed brazen progressives to so thoroughly co-opt the left-of-center narrative…that it appears to the casual observer that they all do hate America.
That’s on them, as the kids say.
By Robert G. Yetman, Jr. Editor At Large