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September 2013
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November 2013

Does It Ever Make Sense To Hire A Credit Repair Firm?

Let's face it, credit repair is complicated and it also takes time. Most other tasks that include these two components are regularly hired out to professionals, but why not credit repair? Well, it all has to do with a conspiracy (yep, another conspiracy theory) between the three major credit bureaus and our federal government. Back in the 1990's one of the businesses I owned was a credit repair service and we did a lot of good for people. I can remember that at any one point time we would have at least 20 to 30 active files we were working... Read more →

Medical Credit Cards - A Bad Idea Gets Worse

A new kind of credit card is making its debut and at an unlikely place; your medical provider's office. They are called medical credit cards and are offered through the offices of doctors, dentists, and other niche medical providers. The idea is that if a patient is short on cash, the provider can arrange for financing through a third party. This way the provider is paid, the patient receives the treatment they need, and payments can be made over time. It all sounds good, right? Many of these medical finance programs also offer a zero percent interest for a short... Read more →

Student Loan Warnings

New News Podcasts with Jim Paris Live on BlogTalkRadio Guest Alan Collinge of Student Loan Justice, joins Jim Paris Live. Alan is the author of 'The Student Loan Scam' and an activist for student loan reform. In this episode he discusses the balooning amount of student loan debt, now currently more than $1 trillion dollars in the United States. He also comments on rights that should be afforded to student loan borrowers. Student loans are not dischargable in bankruptcy, they are also not subject to statutes of limitations, or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Read more →

I love to read, but I have become keenly aware of the rising cost of books. Even moderate sized paperback books are going for $25 and up in some cases. A few years ago I bought a Kindle eReader and have loved both the convenience of reading on this device and also the savings. Many times the Kindle version of a book is discounted 30 to50% from the printed version (sometimes even more). One of the additional bonuses of transitioning from reading printed books to eBooks is the opportunity to also get books for free. What if I don't have... Read more →

I am excited to announce the release of my new book, Exposing The Ponzi Masters. Many of you know that in February of 2013 this blog broke the story of the $100 million dollar worldwide scheme that had targeted the Christian community. Now, the truth can finally be told about all that happened behind the scenes. You see, Profitable Sunrise was much more than a twisted investment scheme, the marketing organization behind it operated like a cult. I went through an unbelievable personal and professional attack when I began exposing the scammers worldwide. I hope you enjoy the new book,... Read more →

I write this article with fear and trepidation as I know how what I am about to discuss can be twisted. I can hardly wait to see the first post on social media that says, "Jim Paris is telling Christians not to pay their debts." Well, maybe this opening line will inoculate me from criticism, maybe not. In another article I wrote on this general topic about a year ago, I raised the issue of credit card companies engaging in so called robo-signing. Check Out My Video On Credit Card Robo-Signing What is a Debt Validation Letter? I mentioned the... Read more →

Top 7 Seasonal Job Opportunities

Every year I raise the issue of seasonal holiday employment because I believe it meets a wide variety of needs. First, most people need extra money around the holidays. Even if you are a minimalist when it comes to Christmas giving, just entertaining family carries with it an added cost above your regular budget. On top of that, most families like to engage in some extra activities during these special times. Even taking out a a handful of people to the movies will cost you $50 to $75 (and that is with a modest snack bar budget). Those with small... Read more →