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August 2013

6 Ways To Save Money On Prescriptions

I made the switch last year to Christian Medical Sharing and discontinued my participation in the insurance plan my wife has as a teacher. This move is saving us thousands per year, but requires me to pick up most of my minor medical expenses such as routine doctor's visits and medications. The average family in America spends more than $700 per year for prescription medications, and that is the focus of this article. This past year has been quite an education for me on the wide variety of options that are available for people to save money on medical costs.... Read more →

A Reverse Mortgage Success Story - My Own Mother

This past week I was on vacation in Chicago, where I was born and lived until I was 18 years old. I took my mom along with me on the trip, as she had not been back to Chicago in a couple of years to see friends and family. Many of the conversations we had with old friends and relatives were about the cost of housing. My mom is very open about the fact that she obtained a reverse mortgage on her Orlando home about ten years ago. As the topic came up in conversation I was surprised at how... Read more →

My Top 7 Money Saving Tips

As a preview of some of the topics I will be covering in my July 20th Chicago workshop, I share with you my 7 most popular money saving tips - 1. Get Free Home Phone Service For Life 2. Opt Out Of Obamcare And Save Up To 50% On Health Insurance 3. Drop Cable And Still Get Hundreds Of TV Channels 4. Cut Auto Insurance By 30% To 50% 5. Save 30% On Auto Repairs 6. Pay Off High Interest Rate Debt With Peer To Peer Loan Options 7. Save Money Through Bartering Helping you make the most of God’s... Read more →

The Dangers Of Co-Signing A Student Loan

I was doing my normal Internet browsing last week, scanning a large number of articles looking for an idea for my next blog post, and stumbled across a piece that really got my attention: An article on student loan horror stories, specifically a section of which that was titled, "My Music School Cost Me $183,000." The young man being featured in a portion of the article was an aspiring musician that had attended one of the top music schools in the world, Berklee College Of Music, and graduated in 2007. After he graduated, his monthly student loan payments were $1,400.... Read more →

If you are trying to live on a budget (and we all should be), the process may be easier today than ever due to technology. Yes, I am sure there are those that swear by the old fashioned budget on a yellow pad and keeping cash in categorical envelopes, but your budget can enter the 21st century with today's new tools. I was surprised to find several absolutely free online budgeting systems and thought this would be a great topic for an article. One fact to consider, however, is that for most people the combination of car payments and mortgage... Read more →