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It is called Pay As You Drive and offers a discount of up to 30%. The insurance company sends you a small device that you plug in inside your car. The device monitors your driving habits. This includes how many miles you drive, your speed, acceleration, and braking (beware that hard breaking is not viewed favorably). After 30 days of monitoring your driving you learn what your rate will be. It is interesting to note that Pay As You Drive is also available in Japan, Australia, Canada, South Africa, and the United Kingdom. The concept sounds good, and I am... Read more →

The concept seems like a good one. Instead of renting a hotel room on vacation, buy one week of time at a plush resort. You own your week and in most cases even get a deed. You can even leave your week of ownership in your Will to your children. If it appreciates enough in value, you may even decide to sell it. It is called timeshare, and I know the sales pitch very well since I live in Central Florida (considered the heart of the timeshare industry worldwide). Today, most people know that timeshare properties do not increase in... Read more →

Why Does The Stock Market Continue To Rise Despite Bad News?

Jim discusses why he believes the stock market continues to move higher despite all of the problems in the economy. Also discussed on this episode - the Casey Anthony case, what investments will do well in times of high inflation, the fake mortgage transfer scam, Jim's new e Book course, and LinkedIn marketing. Hosted By James L. Paris Editor-In-Chief of The show is live on Fridays from Noon to 1 pm Eastern Download From iTunes Helping you make the most of God’s money! James L. Paris Editor-In-Chief Follow Me on Twitter Christian Financial Advice Jim Paris... Read more →

You get a letter in the mail stating that your mortgage has been sold. It looks official and has the address where you are to send all future payments. Having a mortgage sold or transferred is commonplace, especially in the current climate of large numbers of banks and mortgage companies merging or going out of business. Who would be at all surprised to receive a letter like this? You begin sending your payments to the new address and a few weeks later you are receiving collection letters and phone calls suggesting that you are behind on your mortgage. Of course... Read more →

What Is The Next Chapter In The Casey Anthony Saga?

Jim discusses his recent article about why he is convinced that Casey Anthony is 100% guilty. Also on this episode; what is next for NASA? Unemployment jumps to 9.2 percent, Jim shares how his vacation home rental worked out on his recent trip to Key West, the latest twist in loan modifications, and what should Amazon affiliates do now that the program has been canceled in California. Hosted By James L. Paris Editor-In-Chief of The show is live on Fridays from Noon to 1 pm Eastern Download From iTunes Helping you make the most of God’s money!... Read more →

Why Are Banks Randomly Forgiving Six Figure Mortgage Debt?

I read an article this week that really got my attention. The story revealed that select banks are randomly contacting mortgage customers and offering them loan modifications. The modifications in some cases include forgiveness of a substantial portion of the outstanding mortgage balance. One of the individuals featured in the story had a principal reduction of $150,000 on her mortgage. What is really surprising about all of this is that these individuals have not asked for a loan modification and were not behind on their payments! At Christian we are inundated with e mails from individuals who have not... Read more →