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How To Make Money With Your Own e Book


One of the hottest trends today is the growth of the e Book (short for electronic book) industry.  The Kindle, the Nook, the iPad, have started us on a new path of consuming books digitally.  The New York Times is even publishing a bestsellers list of e Books.  Many school systems and universities have already begun the transition from physical books to e Books.


The Opportunity To Cash In Big With An e Book Of Your Own

Self publishing was at one time considered the option of last resort for writers.  Now, many authors are going directly to the e Book publishing option and enjoying royalties of 70% and more.  Whether it is a book of family recipes, your life story, an advice or how-to book on your area of expertise, or that novel you have always wanted to write, the opportunity has never been better.

Zoe Winters had a patchwork of odd jobs including being an Avon lady and a late night auditor.  Her science fiction e Books are now bringing in a six figure income.

Amanda Hocking, a 26 year old author, just struck a 7 figure publishing deal with St. Martins Press after having more than a million dollars in e Book sales on Amazon.  Her books sell on Amazon for between 99 cents to $2.99 each.  She has been able to give up her day job of cleaning and cooking for disabled teens.


Getting Started With Your Own e Book

Writing an e Book is very similar to the process of assembling a book for print.  There are some differences though.  First, an e Book need not be several hundred pages.  Many e Books are just 40 to 50 pages.  This is especially common for ‘how to’ books.  You can write your e Book using standard word processing software such as Microsoft Word or similar software available for free through Open Office.  Next, after writing your e Book, you will need to convert the file into the format(s) necessary depending on where you plan to market it.  Calibre is a free software program that can be used to convert your e Book file into a wide number of formats.

Selling Your e Book With Sizzle

Most e Books are marketed with a digital cover.  Having your e Book cover designed is easy and very affordable.  I suggest using e Lance to post your project and let artists from across the world bid on it.  It should not cost you more than $50 for a fantastic looking e Book cover design.

Jim Paris Online e Book Training

I am making available the streaming video of my recent 4 hour online class ($99).  You will learn how to write your own e Book and how to begin selling it on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other outlets.   To Order The Videos Click Here.  To view the video all you need is a computer connected to the Internet that has speakers.  You will also have access to all of the notes from the screen slides that were used.

Have you written your own e Book?  Do you read books on an e Reader?  I welcome your comments in the section provided below.

Helping you make the most of God’s money!

James L. Paris
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