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December 2010

How To Find Seasonal Work During The Holidays

We all hear discussions about people taking second jobs during the holidays to raise some extra cash for gifts and other seasonal expenses. This year, many looking for additional employment during the holidays are doing so for basic survival. Hundreds of thousands are losing unemployment benefits, millions are facing foreclosure, and many people are struggling just for the basic necessities of life. The good news is that, by all accounts, seasonal employment opportunities will be plentiful this year. The reason that there are more seasonal jobs this year than in many of the previous years is that companies have been... Read more →

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year For Scams

Most people face some degree of financial pressure as Christmas nears. Our society has made the birthday of our Savior the biggest commercial event of the year. While upstanding citizens may resort to tapping savings or taking on some credit card debt, criminals are on the prowl to steal your money to fill their Christmas stocking. This year online criminals are expected to have their biggest year ever (talk about a growth industry). Tips From The FBI Here are some tips you can use to avoid becoming a victim of cyber fraud: Do not respond to unsolicited (spam) e-mail. Do... Read more →

Churches In Foreclosure - The Latest Casualty Of The Recession

The Crystal Cathedral, one of America's most well known churches, filed for bankruptcy with more than $40 million in debt. An example of some of the extravagant spending; one creditor that provided live animals for the churches annual Christmas presentation is owed $57,000. While most churches don't have expenditures like the Crystal Cathedral, the number of churches in foreclosure has tripled in the last three years. Churches, like many Americans, used the real estate boom to borrow and expand. Now, with donations down 15 to 25 percent nationwide, there is a growing number of churches in financial crisis. How Individual... Read more →

Will Internet TV Replace Cable?

Last week Google TV was released and the merging of TV and the Internet appears to be a reality. I have been watching the developments in this space very closely, hoping for an opportunity to drop my cable TV and replace it with Internet based programming. Most people are spending $50 to $100 per month for cable television, which I think is completely unreasonable. Let’s take a look at what Internet TV options are available now. Google TV – $299 Probably the most feature rich service available. Users can browse the Internet, make video calls, and even access Twitter and... Read more →