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July 2008
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September 2008

5 Ways To Save Money On A Funeral

Several famous authors and politicians have been heard to say, “Nothing is certain but death and taxes.” The quote actually originated with Daniel Defoe, in The Political History of the Devil, 1726 – "Things as certain as death and taxes, can be more firmly believed." Young and old, we are all guilty of not taking the time to properly prepare for the inevitable; our own death. During the last couple of years, a close friend of mine lost his father. As the sole surviving immediate family member, it was his obligation to take charge of the final arrangements. Having never... Read more →

Answers To 4 Big Questions About Life Insurance

>While I was working as a financial advisor for nearly 20 years, the most difficult part of my job was helping families when they had lost a loved one. The most tragic of these circumstances involved the death of a primary wage earner with a surviving spouse and young children. For some, their concerns were how to invest the life insurance proceeds, for others their problems were much more serious. I have encountered dozens of cases where a mother is left with 2, 3, or 4 children and the father has unexpectedly died. No sooner than a few days after... Read more →

7 Ways To Protect Yourself From Credit Card Theft

This past week it was reported that more than 40 million credit card numbers were stolen by computer hackers from some of the nation’s largest retailers including BJ's Wholesale Club, OfficeMax, Boston Market, Barnes & Noble, Sports Authority, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Forever 21 and DSW. How can you protect yourself from this kind of theft? Under Federal Law you are not responsible for unauthorized charges made to your credit or debit card above $50, but if you read the fine print there are some exceptions. You are obligated to report your card as lost or stolen, here are the word... Read more →

Will The New Housing Rescue Law Save You From Foreclosure?

It is called the Hope For Homeowners Act of 2008, but the question is will it provide any more hope than the government’s prior failed attempts to help people that are losing their homes? What Is In The New Law? 1. A Bail out Of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac About 50% of all mortgage loans are ultimately funded in the secondary market by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. These organizations are not government entities, but operate under close government supervision. They are referred to as GSE’s (government sponsored entities), which means that the U.S. government is standing in the... Read more →