No Money For A Summer Vacation? Take A Staycation
Check Out Jim’s July 8 Podcast – Jim Discusses How To Find Cheap Plane Tickets, Staycations, His New Internet Training And More Jim Paris Show
Well, the newscasts are like broken records; no on has money this summer for a vacation. High gas prices, falling real estate, a coming recession, you know the rest…..
In an effort to provide some positive solutions, in today’s blog we will address some options for raising money for that summer vacation as well as an alternative; a STAYCATION!
What In The World Is A Staycation?
The idea is simple; take your ‘vacation’ at home this year. Before you completely dismiss this idea, read on. The reality is that the most expensive components in a vacation are the travel and hotel costs. If you vacation from home, you completely eliminate these expenses. As a result, you can do a lot more fun stuff and still have a great time while saving money.
How To Plan Your Staycation
The easiest way to get started is to pretend that you don’t live in your home city, but that you are a visitor. Get on the Internet and check out all of those tourist sites and see what is going on in your area during your vacation break. Call a family meeting and find out what everyone wants to do and see. Announce your Staycation plan and get everyone excited about it. What about that theme park you have never gotten around to visiting, that museum in the city, or that day of fishing that is long overdue?
Make your list and set up a schedule and stick to it. Experts say that Staycations will work only if you take them as ‘seriously’ you would a regular vacation. The temptation is to get bogged down with work around the house, running errands, and let your Staycation slip away.
Staycation Tip: Tell Your Friends And Relatives About Your Staycation And Ask Them To Help By Understanding That You Have Made Plans, Even Though You Will Still Be Home During Your Vacation Break. This Will Hopefully Eliminate Any Unexpected Visits or Phone Calls.
3 Ways To Raise Some Quick Cash For Your Summer Fun
1. Garage Sale. I have said it before, but a garage sale is a great way to clean out your extra stuff and make some money at the same time.
2. e Bay Auction. If it doesn’t sell at the garage sale, sell it on e Bay. If the item you are selling is a collectible, you may find e Bay the best outlet for getting the most money.
3. Sell Those Old Cell Phones. Believe it or not, companies are paying up to $50 for old cell phones. The Paris family just sold five of our old cell phones and raised a few bucks for our summer plans.
Companies buying used cell phones:
Your Still Holding Out Hope For That Super Cheap Plane Ticket
Maybe you can still take a short trip, if you can find an affordable airfare. How can you monitor airfares 24/7 to find that great deal? Consider employing a farewatcher service to shop 24/7 for you. All you have to do is to provide your proposed itinerary and these services will look for airfare bargains and then alert you by e mail.
Farewatcher Services
Use My Alternative City Strategy To Find The Lowest Fare
When using farewatcher services, consider alternative cities. For example, you might save money by flying out of Milwaukee instead of Chicago. A flight to LAX may be a bit pricey, but John Wayne Airport (just a few minutes away) could have a great deal.
Whatever your plans, have a great summer! Be safe! And Save Money!
Helping you make the most of God’s money!
James L. Paris
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