How To Find Auction Bargains
Jim Discusses Auctions In His Latest Podcast (click below)
Jim Paris Show Podcast
Buy A Foreclosed Home Online!
The Internet is changing the world, and foreclosure auctions are the latest to go online. Manatee County Florida announced this week that they are making plans to conduct their foreclosure auctions online. Manatee County believes that moving the auctions from the courthouse steps to the Internet, will make the entire process easier for everyone. Imagine, being able to participate in a foreclosure auction online from any location in the world!
The latest Craze: Storage Locker Auctions
What happens to all of that stuff in storage lockers when the bill is not paid? In most states, the owner has the right to conduct an auction and sell the contents of the storage locker to settle the past due bill. The entire contents of a locker can be sold for just a few dollars. Typically, you will only be allowed to look in the storage locker, but not go inside. This creates an incredible amount of excitement and surprise. Who knows what might be in one of those boxes? A treasure trove of collectible coins, a rare musical instrument, jewelry, who knows?
How do you find out about storage locker auctions? The best way is to call the storage locker facilities in your area. Auctions will likely occur on the same day each month. You will also be advised of the auction rules (what forms of payment are accepted, how long you have to remove the items you buy, etc…). An interesting bit of trivia; e Bay sellers are now flocking to storage locker auctions as the new way to get cheap stuff to sell online!
Buy Stuff Cheap From Uncle Sam In An Online Auction
The Government Services Administration is selling just about everything you can imagine on it site. This morning I took a few minutes to review their current offerings and found items ranging from an airplane to a passenger bus. These are all auctions that you can participate in online.
Buying Unclaimed Property Online
The state of Illinois is now selling abandoned property on e Bay. In reviewing the auctions, it appears that this is mostly coins and jewelry. The property appears to be have been accumulated from abandoned safety deposit boxes. Illinois e Bay Auction
As more and more state and government agencies more their auctions to e Bay and other online auction services, it will provide the opportunity for people to bid on this property from virtually any location. To find more government online auctions, just do a Google search using that phrase.
Goodwill Is Online!
If you have ever found a bargain in a local Goodwill store, you are not alone. Now, you can find these bargains in Goodwill’s online auction website. Founded by the Orange County CA chapter of Goodwill, sells items for Goodwill chapter particpants nationwide. There are some great bargains at their store. We recently bought a graphing calculator for our son and saved $50.
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Helping you make the most of God’s money!
James L. Paris
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