4 Ways To Use The Internet To Save Money On Gas
The Internet can do a lot of things, but believe it or not people are now using the Internet to save money on gas. With the price of gas rising out of control, Americans are using the technology of the Internet as the latest way to try and save a little on the cost of filling up their cars.
1. Buy Gas Futures?
MyGallons.com www.mygallons.com provides a service that allows consumers to lock in the current price of gas. Investors do this every day by purchasing futures contracts, but can an individual consumer lock in today’s price on gas?
From the My Gallons.com Website:
Saving Money With MyGallons Is Easy:
1. Join MyGallons, receive your MyGallons Card.
2. Pre-purchase gas and lock in the price.
3. Use your MyGallons Card at the pump and save.
Buy 100 gallons of fuel when your MyGallons price is $3.50 per gallon.
Redeem them at the pump when prices rise to $4.00.
You save $.50 per gallon!
MyGallons.com does have an annual membership fee of $29.95. Members receive a card that works like a debit card and must be used at participating gas stations. The price that you lock in is based on the current average price for fuel in your area. Of course, if gas prices come down you will lose on this arrangement. If you are convinced that higher prices are on the way, this may be an option to consider.
2. Finding Cheap Gas
Just the other day while on a 45 minute drive I found gas for $3.91 while the same unleaded gas near my home was selling for $4.14. Wow, that is a 23 cent difference! So, it really does pay to shop around for the best price on gas. Two websites are now providing drivers a simple way to find the best deal on gas online:
Websites For Finding The Cheapest Gas Prices
Both sites provide an easy to use platform that allows you to find the lowest price gas based on your zip code.
3. Car Pooling Is Popular Again
Many people have thrown in the towel and can not afford the cost of gas to get to work each day. Two websites provide car poolers with a place to network and find fellow passengers for their journey.
Car Pooling Websites:
4. What Is The Best Time To Buy Your Gas?
According To GasPriceWatch.com the best day of the week to buy gas is Wednesday. Also, the best time of day to buy your gas is early morning or at night. Here is something interesting from their website on this:
“Buy gasoline during coolest time of day - early morning or late evening is best. During these times gasoline is densest. Keep in mind - gas pumps measure volumes of gasoline, not densities of fuel concentration. You are charged according to "volume of measurement"
Have your own gas saving ideas? Add them using the comment box below.
Helping you make the most of God’s money!
James L. Paris
Editor-In-Chief ChristianMoney.com
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