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July 2008

Where Is Your Rebate?

The IRS is Reporting this week that more than five million Americans may miss out on receiving their stimulus check since they have not filed a tax return. This group is comprised of individuals that are not normally required to file a federal tax return based on income and other considerations. The message is clear; even if you are not required to file, you must do so to receive your stimulus check. To be eligible to receive a stimulus check, you must have at least $3,000 in earned income (or from Social Security/Railroad retirement benefits) and meet a few other... Read more →

Does Everyone Need Flood Insurance?

With every house I financed in Florida, came the requirement from the lender that I purchase flood insurance. I really had little idea what flood insurance was or why I needed it when I bought my first home back in the mid 1980’s. If you have been following the news in recent days, you no doubt are aware of the floods in the Midwest. The floods currently taking place are being described as 500 year floods. What this means is that based on historical statistics, the likelihood of a flood of this magnitude is only once every 500 years! Mortgage... Read more →

PayPerPost - A New Way To Make Money On The Internet

In recent months, I have found an ever increasing interest in strategies and ideas on how to make money on the Internet. In fact, due to the level of interest on this topic I am coming to Chicago on June 28 to present an all day workshop on Internet marketing. Click here for Chicago seminar information I just interviewed Randy Mountz, VP of PayPerPost (Izea) on the paid blogging opportunity. Click here and select the June 12 Podcast. A new method of making money on the Internet has emerged and will be the topic of today’s blog. PayPerPost, is an... Read more →

What Can You Do To Save Yourself From Foreclosure?

March 3 2009 Update – Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan The sad but sickening news is that very few people are getting any help from the various programs designed to help homeowners in trouble. I recently asked my followers on Twitter and Facebook for any stories of success with a loan modification. You guessed it, not one story of anyone getting any help. What makes me really angry is when I see big companies like AIG getting billions from the Government, yet the ‘little guy’ gets nothing. What’s worse are the false promises that help is on the way through... Read more →