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This article was originally published in 2016 I am a huge Tom Selleck fan. I love everything this guy is in. From his early start on my all time favorite show, The Rockford Files, to Magnum P.I., Jesse Stone, Three Men And A Baby, Blue Bloods; I love them all. It also makes me that much fonder to know that he is a one of the very few conservatives in the entertainment world. Tom Selleck is not someone, however, that I expected to see in a commercial promoting reverse mortgages for AAG. Reverse mortgage pitchmen are usually actors that are... Read more →

Special Guest Dr. Susan Smith Jones On Her Book Uplifted - 12 Minutes to More Joy, Faith, Peach, Kindness And Vitality. How to beat depression with natural cures, how to get better sleep, improve your health to get off of medications, the power of meditation, and strategies for more energy throughout the day. Read more →

A few important topics to cover and I thought I would blend them all into a news roundup article. 1. A New Quick Way To Sell Your Home There is a revolution taking place in home selling. Led by Open Door, sellers can now avoid the process of a traditional sale. No more worrying about keeping your house spotless for showings and waiting months for your home to sell. Quick sale firms perform an inspection and value analysis and make a quick sale offer. There are fees of between 5 and 10 percent and you most likely won't get as... Read more →

Jim discusses a strange new scenario on how Obama could return to the presidency to replace Biden. The new way that people are selling their houses, The China lockdowns that you haven't even heard about yet and are they coming to the U.S.? Jim reviews the new Lee Strobel movie, The Case For Heaven, and why are the airlines canceling thousands of flights? Read more →

On this episode Jim discusses the latest on the Will Smith slap, the so called "Don't say gay" Florida law that has been branded by far left activists, World Health Organization predicts next pandemic to be an insect borne disease, have traditional Easter celebrations been forgotten, and Southwest blames technical glitch for thousands of canceled flights over the weekend. Read more →

Jim discusses what could happen if corporations continue to buy up all of the single family homes, a New York pension fund has $300 million frozen in the Moscow stock market, a review of the movie Infinite Storm, Elon Musk's greatest fear, and airlines join forces to fight the continued mask mandate. Read more →

As a federal prosecutor and the daughter of an FBI agent, Wiehl has an inside perspective. She brings her experience and the ingrained lessons of her upraising to bear on her remarkable exploration of the case, interviewing numerous FBI and CIA agents both past and present as well as the individuals closest to Hanssen. She speaks with his brother-in-law, his oldest and best friend, and even his psychiatrist. In all her conversations, Wiehl is trying to figure out how he did it—and at what cost. But she also pursues questions urgently relevant to our national security today. Could there be... Read more →